
Din, M.O.*, Danino, T.*, Prindle, A., Skalak, M., Selimkhanov, J., Allen, K., Julio, E., Atolia, E., Tsimring, L.S., Bhatia, S.N. and Hasty, J., 2016. Synchronized cycles of bacterial lysis for in vivo delivery. Nature536(7614), p.81. (* co-first authors) (Link)

Scott, S.R., Din, M.O., Bittihn, P., Xiong, L., Tsimring, L.S. and Hasty, J., 2017. A stabilized microbial ecosystem of self-limiting bacteria using synthetic quorum-regulated lysis. Nature microbiology2(8), p.17083. (Link)

Bittihn, P.*, Din, M.O.*, Tsimring, L.S. and Hasty, J., 2018. Rational engineering of synthetic microbial systems: from single cells to consortia. Current opinion in microbiology45, pp.92-99. (* co-first authors)  (Link)

Liao, M.J., Din, M.O., Tsimring, L. and Hasty, J., 2019. Rock-paper-scissors: Engineered population dynamics increase genetic stability. Science, 365(6457), pp.1045-1049. (Link)

Din, M. O.*, Martin, A.*, Razinkov, I., Csicsery, N., & Hasty, J. 2020. Interfacing gene circuits with microelectronics through engineered population dynamics. Science Advances, 6(21). (* co-first authors) (Link)

Kobayashi, H., Gieniec, K. A., Wright, J. A., Wang, T., Asai, N., Mizutani, Y., … Din, M.O.,… & Woods, S. L. 2021. The balance of stromal BMP signaling mediated by GREM1 and ISLR drives colorectal carcinogenesis. Gastroenterology, 160(4), 1224-1239.